Go to "Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program" & find the version of PhysX that you have & uninstall it. My best guess would be that you have to uninstall the latest version of PhysX from your computer & then download the version from the redist folder. PhysX: Transformers War for Cybertron/steamapps/common/Transformers War for Cybertron/redist/PhysX_10.01.29_System Software.exeĭirectX: Transformers War for Cybertron/steamapps/common/Transformers War for Cybertron/redist/DirectX/DXSETU P.exe Then install the versions of DirectX & PhysX found in the game folder.

Also make sure that your drivers are updated. I'd suggest uninstalling whatever current version of PhysX you have (see my reply below) & restart your PC if you haven't already. These issues might be from your version of PhysX & DriectX, or from outdated drivers, corrupted.